We are happy to announce another cooperation with ANWR-GARANT SWISS AG! Starting from April 2021 we will support ANWR-GARANT SWISS AG in Social Media for the areas ANWR Schuh, Bike Profi as well as SPORT 2000.
ANWR-GARANT SWISS AG is known for their commitment and reliability in working with their partners. And it is exactly these aspects that they have set as their goal. With their commitment they want to bring the specialized trade further and prepare it for the changes in the future.
ANWR-GARANT SWISS AG is one of the strongest retail service organisations for the specialized shoe trade in Switzerland. With around 10,000 sales locations all over the world, ANWR Schuh has an enormous amount of knowledge and would like to use this know-how to help local shoe stores move forward.
3,700 sales locations. Every single partner of SPORT 2000 sees sport as their passion. It is only through this passion and great interest that they are able to share their expertise. With Bike Profi, the image of ANWR-GARANT SWISS AG is skillfully rounded off. They have set themselves the goal of further developing the specialist bicycle trade and offering solutions in a strong network.
My team and I are thrilled to support ANWR Schuh, SPORT 2000 and Bike Profi with our know-how in the field of social media and are excited about the cooperation”, says owner Pirmin Oklé.